Random Writings #6 – Pennies from Heaven

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Sitting outside at a campsite somewhere in South Carolina that cost us only $3.00, making our morning cup of coffee even more enjoyable, an older man asked if he could come chat.

Always, say yes.

While listening to his stories about his wife and kids and travels and how God has guided him and will always provide for him, my mind started to wander, thinking about what he said. Kenny and I have always felt our “church” to be the mountains and nature.

pennies from heavenSo, sitting here below a canopy of trees, listening to the birdsong, and the stories from Herbert, our new neighbor (even if only for a day), I can’t help but be impressed with his faith, his commitment, and his newfound peace in life.

He talked about borrowing his brother’s car and leaving it all behind to move to Florida, realizing about half-way through his journey, that one cannot run away from oneself.  He turned around and went back home.

Kenny and I have now been on the road for four months, and in that time (today maybe), I have realized that I am the same person I was before moving into an RV, the same love for my kids, my family and my friends.  I still love the crisp, cool air of Colorado in the fall, and the glorious snow cascading down upon my mountains in the winter.  I still love curling upon the sofa to watch a good movie or read a good book.  I am still me, including getting stressed at times and worrying too much, usually about little things. I am still a bit off my rocker, a bit too sane, a bit adventurous, a bit lazy.  

But what has changed since moving into an RV, is how I react to the world.  My life and my emotions are what I choose. Kenny and I moved into an RV, not to run away from life, but to find more of it.

And more of it we did, as evidenced in the many wonderful people we have met, like Herbert, for example.  With his only agenda for the morning being to say hi to his new neighbors and to offer us his pennies from Heaven.

“If you find a penny, tail side up, turn it over and then pick it up.”

So no matter what your adventure, your religion, your beliefs, pick up the penny, and create a life full of faith, commitment, and peace.

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