Global Beer, Wine & Spirits Storyteller & Traveler Extraordinaire

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When you meet someone who is very similar to you, you must have a podcast episode with them. And that is exactly what we did when we met Jeff Bradford from the Beer, Wine & Spirits Channel on YouTube. Jeff has made a living doing exactly what he loves, traveling the world in search of the stories behind the drinks he loves. Meet our new friend, the global beer, wine and spirits storyteller and traveler extraordinaire. Meet Jeff Bradford.

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In this episode we talk about beer, wine and spirits, of course, but more importantly we talk of focusing on sense of place within these industries and the communities that surround them. We also touch on travel style, how to choose the places you want to visit and how everyone has their own unique personal relationship with alcohol.

Photos courtesy of Jeff Bradford

And we talk about living the dream, which Jeff is doing brilliantly. While each of us has our own idea of what a dream life is, it’s always helpful to here how others have made theirs possible. Jeff is an open book when it comes to talking about funding his storytelling travel adventures. And he’s the same when talking of his current and upcoming projects on the environmental aspect of the alcohol industry. Actually, he’s just open and willing to talk about everything.

Grab your favorite beer, wine or spirit and settle in for this intriguing conversation with one of our newest favorite people, Jeff Bradford. Believe me, you’ll feel the same just from listening. Welcome to our world…a world with wonderful people, inspiring tales of world travel and always good beer!

Connect with Jeff

Oh, the places we went!

Oh, the beer we drank.

  • White Sangria Ale from Owl Farm Unique Fermentations in Vista, CA
  • Pink Peppercorn Saison from Chain Reaction Brewing in Denver, CO

Want More?

Ok, so we haven’t done a lot of traveling for beer outside the U.S…yet! It’s coming. And in the meantime, here’s a map to get you started with some cool breweries (and mountain biking trails) in the U.S.

Want more on breweries doing cool things for the environment? Check out WildWood Brewing in Montana.

Meeting People You Love: Camp Carpe Diem

We met Jeff because we were lucky enough he found us when searching for people similar to him and his interests. Don’t leave your travel tribe up to just luck. Sign up for Camp Carpe Diem today where you’ll meet people that will become a part of your tribe, travel buddies and true friends – on the road and off.


Shop our Store!

New gear in stock! I love my new “Don’t Worry, Beer Hoppy” shirt. Get yours today!

PRO TIP: When possible, please check ahead anywhere you go. Many places are re-opening, but some may not be. Due to the C-word, you need to be prepared for restrictions and closures. Be flexible.

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Buy us a beer.

Let us know you did just that, and we’ll put together a virtual happy hour with you. We’d love to see your smiling faces.

“Ken and April do a fantastic job of mixing the culture of beer and adventure into something akin to a fine barrel-aged sour. They are wise beyond their years. Loving this podcast and it will be on our weekly playlist for SURE!”



Also available on Radio Public, PodBean, Google Play Music, iHeart Radio, Tune-In, and Google Podcasts.

Shout Outs:

Jeff, we are thrilled you reached out to us. I do believe we have made a new friend and fellow beer, wine and spirits lover, and maybe even a new travel buddy. Can’t wait to see what we come up with for future collaborations together. You’re too much fun to let it start and end with just a podcast interview! Cheers to many more hangouts!


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A Braided Journey of Community with Braided River Brewing Co

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