Anna Zesbaugh drinking Hooch Booch in front of boat

Meet the Hooch Booch Yoga Chick

Craft isn’t always about beer. Sometimes it’s about fermented tea, yoga, & travel. Anna, founder of Hooch Booch Hard Kombucha tells her story.

April and Ken Austin Texas I love brew so much mural best of 2021 at brewery

Craft Beer Travelers Top 5 of 2021

2021 was yet another unique and strange year for craft beer travelers, but we made the best of it. Here’s our top 5 breweries, MTB trails, camping spots & more for 2021.

Ken and April biking in Trent South Dakota

Craft Beer Travelers Top 5 of 2020

As I was compiling all of our data for 2020, I found myself bitching about all the money we spent eating out, drinking beer, maintaining our mountain bikes and traveling. But the truth is, this is what we love to do. So, why would we stop? Here are our top 5 lists for things beer, biking and travel related. We hope you find this list entertaining, informative and helpful when planning your 2021 craft beer lifestyle.

Ken outside of Boothbay Brewery in Boothbay Maine

Free Camping, Beer and Biking in the Northeast

This Harvest Hosts Brewery Camping, Beer, and Biking Guide for the Northeast is one of several regional guides giving you instant access to mountain biking trails that match up with free camping at breweries nationwide. The open road, the adventurous trails, a freshly brewed beer, handcrafted pizza, conversations and laughter under the stars. This is what we live for, camping, beer, and biking.