Forbidden Beer for All

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Verboten Brewing in Loveland, CO

Making the trip to Loveland, Colorado, just south of Fort Collins, we met up with Josh Grenz, owner and head brewer at Verboten Brewing and Barrel Project. Verboten, meaning forbidden, Josh’s brewing style fits right in with doing what he wants. His beer may be forbidden by German standards, but in Loveland, it is known as “Beer for All.”

Video Notes to Highlighted Topics

0:53 Forbidden Flavors
The history behind the name goes against German beer laws but fit Josh’s style perfectly.

2:01 The Barrel Project
Expanding into the space next door and once a month, they release a special barrel aged beer.

3:36 Little Nonsense and GABF
Josh talks about a special release for GABF, winning a medal in 2016 for this beer. He refers to it as his baby, and at 12% it’s a big baby!

4:41 Loveland Collaborations
Growing up in Ft. Collins, Loveland made sense when deciding to open a brewery.  Not only was it close, but it also offered a community of collaborators as is so common in the brewing industry.

5:51 Brewers and Day Jobs
Starting the brewery over six years ago, Josh originally was also working a FT job, but this only lasted for three months.  The brewery took over, but in a great way.

7:19 Cutting Edge vs Trendy
Using adjuncts and originality, Josh creates his own ideas in brewing, but is also not afraid to jump in on a trend.

9:16 Utilizing a Pilot System
No longer only brewing for his friends, Josh now has to pay attention to consumers, but still gets to play new recipes by using his pilot system.

11:38 The Stout Life
Owning a brewery will change everything. Josh’s answer is all about brewing, but at the end of the day, they make beer. It’s not all fun, but it’s worth it.

13:55 Beyond the Taproom
An Amaretto Milkshake IPA?  Wow!

We’d love to hear from you.

Beer for All tulip glass of beer at Verboten Brewing in Loveland Colorado

Josh mentioned jumping onto different beer trends vs being cutting edge. What’s a trend you’ve followed recently? Milkshake IPA’s? Mom jeans? Let us know in the comments below.

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